Stacked Notes - Usability


2015-05-05 by Graham Langdon (Meetup)

User Testing

  • Set small goals that you can achieve
  • Earlier fixes cost less
  • Use feedback to prioritize

Invalid Reasons To Skip

  • App isn't finished yet
  • We already know there are problems
  • Where am I going to find participants?

Just Do It

  • Minimum 3-5 people to start establishing trends
  • Limit testing to an hour
  • Prioritize feedback
  • Compensate the tester for their time
    • It doesn't have to be much, but don't expect free work


  • Ensure everything is technically prepared beforehand
  • Record the session
  • Make sure tester knows they aren't hurting your feelings
  • The app is being tested, not the tester
  • Invite tester to think out loud
  • Let the tester figure it out. Don't just tell them how to do what they want
  • Affirm and encourage the tester