Triangle.rb Notes - Rubyist Guide To Functional Programming With Clojure

Rubyist Guide To Functional Programming With Clojure

2015-09-08 by Michael Stalker (Meetup)

What is Clojure?

Created by Rich Hickey in 2007

; a comment

; no single quoted strings please
"double quoted strings"

; numbers

; similar to symbols in ruby. see

; map
{:key 42}

; vector
[1 2 42]

; quoted list
'(1 2 3)

; functional application
(list 1 2 3)

Lisp dialect

; add 1 plus 3
(+ 1 3) ; + is a function
;= 4

(+ 1 2 3 4) ; 10

(def my-number 42) ; a var; like a variable

(fn [x] (* 2 x)) ; create a function

(def double (fn [x] (* 2 x))) ; bind anonymous function to double var

(defn double2 [x] (* 2 x)) ; shorthand for defining a "named" function


Pass functions to and from other functions. Functions are first-class citizens.

Function as data

(defn double [x] (* 2 x))

(defn add-and-double [x y] (* 2 (+ x y)))

Book recommendation: Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs


  • Powerful abstractions
  • It will make you a better programmer
    "Clojure demands that you raise your game and it pays you back for doing so." -
  • It's fast
  • It makes concurrency easy
    See Moore's Law graph
  • It uses the JVM. Access any library in Java
  • It favors immutability
    • Immutability leads to understanding
    • Understandability leads to fewer errors

How To Get Started

Book recommendation: Clojure Programming by Chas Emerick

Book recommendation: Clojure For The Brave And True by Daniel Higginbotham (companion website)

How Will It Help

  1. Don't mutate if you don't have to!
  2. Learn to love the block
  3. Learn to love Enumerable#inject
  4. Use the right tool for the job