Triangle Modern Web - Variety Show
Modern Web Variety Show
by Tracy Lee (Meetup) (Twitter)
The inaugural meeting in the Triangle featured free food and several excellent speakers. MetLife hosted.
Simon MacDonald - What's New With Apache Cordova/PhoneGap (Twitter) (slides)
PhoneGap is a polyfill, and the ultimate purpose of PhoneGap is to cease to exist. - Brian LeRoux
Creative SDK Plugins (Adobe)
- Image Editor
- Adobe Single Sign On
- Send To Desktop (send something to desktop computer)
Coming soon
- CocoaPod support
- asset browser
- inclusion in PG Dev App
- Push Notification plugin (Android N & iOS 10)
- Browser Push
- PG Desktop App
- Embedded Workflow
- Cordova Decoupling
Thomas Cameron - Red Hat Mobile Application Platform Overview (Twitter)
Look this up later: the overview was dense and fast.
Todd Jordan - Ember Component Patterns (Twitter) (GitHub) (slides)
- Stability without stagnation
- Convention over configuration
- Prebuilt local environment (ember-cli)
- Community owned and maintained
Functional Components and DDAU (data down, actions up)
Robert Fischer - Mind Stretching Type Gymnastics With PureScript (Twitter) (GitHub)
Functional JavaScript In The Real World
$ npm install tsun # typescript
$ npm install purescript
Types can be declarative, not just descriptive
JSX is declarative. Type annotations are descriptive.
Why Rubyists Should Learn OCaml