git Transfer Git Branch Across Repos Quick guide for moving a commits in a git branch to a separate repository.
Web Development Web Development Starter Pack Getting started with web development is fun and exciting, but also frustrating, since you don't know what you don't know. Below are some links to many useful resources. Don't feel like you need to thoroughly explore each link; it is enough to get an
Programming A Gentle Introduction To Using Git A Gentle Introduction To Using Git Terminology working directoryThis is the top-level directory (folder) that contains your project files. Once you initialize git (git init), your working directory will have a new .git directory in it. Everything you do related to your project will be done in this directory.repositoryA
Programming Node Resources I haven't really keep this page updated, so take these links with a grain of salt so to speak. In fact this page should really be viewed as a historic document, and *not* as a useful reference.